Built-in Plugins
These plugins are built into microfern. You do have to import and pass them into
explicitly, but they are included in the standard install.
Check this example to see how to do that.
List of Plugins
This plugin converts all characters in the input text to uppercase.
Chef's secret: {{ fruit | uppercase }} is the key to a good smoothie!
{ "fruit": "banana" }
This plugin converts all characters in the input text to lowercase.
Whisper it: i love {{ veggie | lowercase }} in my salad!
{ "veggie": "BROCCOLI" }
This plugin capitalizes the first character of the input text.
Once upon a thyme, there was an {{ herb | capitalize }}...
{ "herb": "italian parsley" }
This plugin converts the input text to title case, capitalizing the first letter of each word.
Breaking News: {{ headline | titleCase }}
{ "headline": "local man finds tomato that looks like elvis" }
This plugin replaces spaces in the input text with underscores.
Secret code: {{ message | snakeCase }}
{ "message": "the carrots are listening" }
This plugin replaces spaces in the input text with hyphens.
<a href="/meals/{{ dish | kebabCase }}">Today's special</a>
{ "dish": "Eggplant Extravaganza" }
This plugin converts the input text to camel case, removing spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each word except the first.
Variable name: {{ fruitSalad | camelCase }}IsYummy
{ "fruitSalad": "tropical fruit bonanza" }
This plugin converts the input text to pascal case, removing spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each word.
Class name: {{ veggieDish | pascalCase }}Recipe
{ "veggieDish": "turnip the beet salad" }
This plugin removes whitespace from both ends of the input text.
Remember to trim the {{ ingredient | trim }} before cooking!
{ "ingredient": " string beans " }
This plugin removes whitespace from the beginning of the input text.
[{{ shape | trimStart }}] shaped rhubarb
{ "shape": " fish " }
This plugin removes whitespace from the end of the input text.
[{{ shape | trimEnd }}] shaped rhubarb
{ "shape": " rhubarb " }
This plugin URL-encodes the input text.
<a href="/search/?q={{ search | urlEscape }}> Search </a>
{ "search": "how to tuna fish" }
This plugin URL-decodes the input text.
You searched: {{ query | urlUnescape }}
{ "query": "Are%20tomatoes%20secretly%20fruit%20spies%3F" }
This plugin reverses the characters in the input text.
"I say, {{ phrase }}! That didn't work? Then {{ phrase | reverse }}!"
{ "phrase": "open sesame" }
This plugin escapes special HTML characters in the input text.
shop for {{ html | escapeHtml }}
{ "html": "my favorite apple variety is the <script>bobby tables apple</script>" }
This plugin unescapes special HTML characters in the input text.
Joke of the day: {{ html | unescapeHtml }}
{ "html": "Can I get some peas & quiet?!" }
This plugin removes all HTML tags from the input text.
Foiled again, {{ html | stripHtml }}!
{ "html": "<script>baked potato</script>" }
This plugin truncates the input text to the specified length. It's a higher-order plugin that takes a length parameter, which is required.
The Amazing {{ veggie | truncate 21 }}
{ "veggie": "Purple Sprouting Broccoli" }